1. What is the most meaningful/unique piece of Packers memorabilia you own?
John from Fort Atkinson, WI
We were heading in for (yet another) round of chemo, when we saw a flyer for a Packers alumni signing: Gilbert Brown, William Henderson, and Ahman Green. The date happened to coincide with a future treatment and not knowing they'd have materials there. I took the background color out of action photos and printed a couple of each player. Brown and Henderson both asked to keep a copy for themselves they liked it so much and signed the others. I think about that every time I look at my prints.
Ed from Windsor, CO
I have a picture of myself with Ray Nitschke. I met him briefly in Canton, he was smoking a big ole stogie. I framed the picture with my Packers stock certificate.
Frank from Wake Forest, NC
In 2001, I was laid off two months before Christmas. I told my daughters that this year Christmas would be light. Christmas morning, they wanted me to open my gift from them first. It was a Ray Nitschke-autographed mini-helmet. The card said it was their turn to splurge for me. I cried that day – the only time I've ever cried over a gift. Every time I look at it, I still tear up. Memories make us rich.
Jim from Green Bay, WI
The best gift ever was a Bart Starr autographed and personalized football from my father. It said, "Hi Jimmy, Good Luck Bart Starr." I was 7 and played with it till it was just a football. Brilliant.
Will from Stewartville, MN
The weekend after Super Bowl XXXI, I went to the local JC Penney's and bought a cheesehead. I was 7. As I write this response now, I am looking at it on a shelf in my home office and my kids still like to wear it occasionally, too. It's a little more orange than yellow now, but otherwise, it's still in perfect shape.
Doug from Salem, OR
In 2017, I had the opportunity to attend my first game at Lambeau Field and got to see the Packers beat the Bears. While I was in town, I found an autographed picture of Clay Matthews tackling a Viking QB, who happened to be Brett Favre. It was the perfect picture, and I had to have it. Now hangs on the office wall near my stock certificate.
Benjamin from Afton, VA
We have a small Packers wreath ornament that our family shakes vigorously (sometimes complete with dance moves) every time the Packers score and on select (game depending) situations (e.g. a pick when down in the fourth). It's special to us because my mom's mom gave it to us, though we never have a tree, and it's extra special since her passing two years ago. She was a tremendous lady and turned into an avid Packers fan.
Doug from Neenah, WI
When I was 13 years old in 1968, Travis Williams made an appearance at a fast-food restaurant in Neenah. I still have his autographed picture from the event and think about him every time I drive by that spot (long since converted to something else). What a tragic and sad ending to his life...dead at age 45. RIP Roadrunner.
Pete from Caledonia, MI
My most cherished (and unique) memorabilia, comes courtesy of my brother, Chris. When I retired from law enforcement, after 27 years, I received a framed, personalized letter from the Packers organization, thanking/congratulating me on my career/retirement. My brother passed away in 2022 from pancreatic cancer, at only 56. To say I cherish the gift he got me would be the understatement of my life. GPG!
Margeaux from Tallahassee, FL
It's what I don't have that still intrigues me. My dad and I went to a game at County Stadium. We were seated behind the goal posts. Paul Hornung kicked a PAT into my dad's arms. My dad only had one good arm from World War II and it caromed away. My mind during the flight of the ball was figuring out ways to conceal the prize if ushers came looking. My dad would never have it allowed it, irksome at the time but part of his greatness. Does Cliff know if ushers would have come looking? (Editor's note: I'm guessing the ushers come looking for it but a cool memory nonetheless).
Les from Belvidere, IL
About 20 years ago, my brother was working on a demolition project for the hospital he worked for. Looking in the gap between the studs he found the Jan. 1, 1962, sports section of the Chicago Tribune. The headline was "Green Bay, 37; New York 000!" My brother gave me the paper and I had the entire section framed. It now is the centerpiece of my Packer memorabilia.
James from Washington Island, WI
In 1968, my sister's leg was injured when our family jeep overturned. She was transported by ambulance to Bellin Hospital where she was immediately operated on by Dr. Nellen and Dr. Braun. However, the leg was not saved. During one of my visits to see her I left my copy of "Quarterbacking" by Bart Starr in her hospital room. Dr. Nellen saw the book and had Bart autograph it. I will always regret the missed opportunity to meet my hero, but I am also grateful for the kindness of both men.
Al from Tulsa, OK
My nephew bought me a jersey with my name on it for our visit to Lambeau last September. He died two months later from cancer.
Steve from Ankeny, IA
My dad was eating at a restaurant in Green Bay and LeRoy Butler walked in. He was Dad's favorite player after he saw him jump from under the goalposts and touch his wrists. As LeRoy walked by my dad said, "You're my hero." LeRoy stopped and started a conversation. As they were talking, the waiter came with the bottle of wine Dad had ordered. LeRoy said, "Let me open that for them." He proceeded to open the bottle and pour their wine. When my dad passed a while back, I inherited the cork.
Larry from Oelwein, IA
My most meaningful piece of memorabilia is a poster of the "Green Bay Packers 1960 Western Division Champions." Poster was courtesy of Wisconsin Public Service Corp. The poster has a team photo and a 1961 home schedule. This poster has a lot of sentimental value because it hung in my father's den/work room for many years, even after his passing at the young age of 57 in 1977. I took possession about 15 years ago and had it framed with protective glass and proudly display it in my clothing store.
Jacob from Rhinelander, WI
When I was a young lad, our family took a tour of Lambeau Field and one of my cousins from Minnesota was wearing a Vikings jersey. Red Batty saw this and took it upon himself to convert him into a Packers fan, so he took us on a special tour (locker room, down on the field, etc.). Red even let me try on Brett Favre's helmet. We got a picture and sent it to Red who got it signed by Favre: "Jacob, Nice helmet. -Brett Favre" (Editor's note: Red is the best. Legend).
Mike from Brick, NJ
Most prized piece of Packers memorabilia has to be a signed napkin from Henry Jordan. It is 1967 or 1968 (I am 9 or 10 years old), and we are at our swim club in Charlottesville, VA. I was told that Henry Jordan was sitting at a table nearby. I went over and asked if it was true. He pulled out a chair and told me to sit down. We spoke for a half hour or so about Green Bay, Vince Lombardi, and Bart Starr. He took a pencil and signed a napkin "Best of Luck, Henry Jordon #74." What a gentleman.
Brandon from Billings, MT
The most meaningful piece of Packers memorabilia I own is without a doubt the cheesehead I bought in the Packers Pro Shop on Dec. 8th, 2013. My wife (girlfriend at the time) had recently been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and held a benefit to help with medical bills. Shann Schillinger, then-safety for the Falcons surprised us with his two tickets and flew us out as a gift. She's in remission and doing great, but at the time it was a much-needed reprieve from the real world. GPG!
David from Janesville, WI
It isn't a physical thing but a memory. My girlfriend (now wife) surprised me with a pair of tickets to the Packers/Steelers game on Christmas Eve in '95 (the Yancey Thigpen drop game). It was cold, and she was bundled up tight with only her eyes showing yet I remember thinking she was (and still is) the most beautiful woman I've ever had the good fortune to lay eyes on. That's my Packers treasure.
Woody from Cincinnati, OH
My most meaningful piece of Packers memorabilia is the black and white autographed picture I received from Bart Starr after writing to him when I was 9 years old. (1968). When it arrived in the mail and opened it, that's when I decided I would name my first-born son Bart. Bart is now 33 and engaged to be married this September.
Bill from Clive, IA
My older brother (he was 24, I was 10) took me to my first Packers game and bought me a small plastic megaphone in Packer gold, with the classic '60s logo on it. The game was on Dec. 26, 1965, and on it, I wrote with permanent marker "Packers 13, Colts 10." It was the conference championship game; Don Chandler kicked the winning field goal in overtime. But it's special to me because it marked a road trip with my big brother Denny (R.I.P.), whom I idolized even more than Paul Hornung!
Derek from Eau Claire, WI
One cool piece of memorabilia I have is a hat that was signed by several players from training camp, but most importantly by Fuzzy Thurston the day he let me wear his Super Bowl ring at the Amery Golf Course. It was way too big for a 10-year old's thumb. I wore that hat during every game that season, which culminated with Brett Favre hoisting the Lombardi Trophy. The hat hangs on a nail behind my basement bar to this day.
Dan from Kitchener, Canada
I have a travel mug my wife gave me for Christmas in 2017 with a picture us with our three kids. The picture was taken five days after my youngest was born (August 2017). I have used that mug every day for tea since then. When I used to go into the office in person, it was frequently a conversation starter and people would ask about my family and my love of Green Bay. The best part is the mug actually works and keeps my tea hot, unlike some novelty travel mugs.
Randy from Ooltewah, TN
My most valuable piece of Packers memorabilia is an old bobblehead I got at the first Packers game I attended live in Lambeau Field in 1976. It is the old No. 0, buck-toothed bobblehead. I have proudly displayed it in my bedroom or home office for the past 47 or so years. Not a high street value but means a lot to me.
Diane from Abilene, TX
My most meaningful memorabilia I own is first of the TIME spend with my brother at Lambeau Field at home games over the years. Our dad got the season tickets in the early '60s and John has them now. I've been gone from Wisconsin for 46 years, but every trip I make, I go to Lambeau! I also have all the printed tickets and souvenir drink cups from the games. Go Pack Go!
Jeffery from Brooklyn, WI
My daughter made me a small quilt by hand out of Packers clothes my deceased mother used to wear and it is by far the most unique memorabilia a fan could want, It's priceless even though when I posted it on Facebook I had people asking if they could buy it. One even went as far as offering a $150 but the answer was still no thanks.
David from Bay Minette, AL
My most meaningful piece of memorabilia I own is a Packers cheesehead that I received from a real American Hero, David Wodushek, affectionally known as "Woody." He was a 2LT in the MP Corps when I met him. We became fast friends and both being Packers fans added to it. He got out, became a cop, and after 9/11 came back in the military. Served at Gitmo, became an OSI in the Air Force and ultimately at a job he never spoke off. He died three years ago from Melanoma, my cherished friend, my hero.
Gregg from Arlington Heights, IL
Before the last home game of the 2012 season, I took a photograph of Lambeau Field as fans walked through the parking lot to the game. Later, I enlarged the image to become a 4-by-6-foot banner that I hung on the wall behind four of my Great, Great Aunt Ede's windows. To create depth, we made a box that included a windowsill, so now I can sit at my desk in my Packers/computer room, turn to my right, see Lambeau, and remember my Aunt Ede.
Jay from Wilmington, NC
Dad and I went to Lambeau for the Sunday Night Football game vs. the Seahawks in 2015, looking for revenge for the game that shall not be mentioned. That game the Lambeau attendance record was broken by two. I wrote to Vic about memories and said my dad and I broke the record. His response. "I heard it was two guys from North Carolina, but I didn't get their names" Classic Vic! I printed that post and keep it with the ticket stub, get loud Lambeau towel, and tons of great pictures. What an amazing game! Too bad it still hurts...
2. Which Packers game (non-Super Bowl/NFL Championship) would you watch live in-person?
Jeff from Indian Lake, NY
I would choose to see the game vs. Da Bears on Sept. 9, 2018. Chicago's defense was manhandling us in the first half but would really put the true fear in me when Aaron Rodgers went down with an apparent knee injury. I figured "Welp, there goes his ACL and with it our season." I was crushed. Then, out of the tunnel at halftime here comes the bad man himself to lead a comeback for the ages. I'm so thankful to Vic for sharing the memories make us rich line. Moments like that make the phrase resonate for me.
Riley from Waukesha, WI
Sept. 9, 2018. Talk about a rollercoaster of a game. I'm the type of fan who would rather be at a close game we win at the wire rather than a rout. I'll take the walk-off homer over the shutout every day of the week. The feel of impending doom for the season when Rodgers goes down to the thrill of watching him come back on the field and play like the MVP and leader, he is. That was football. Would have loved to have had the opportunity to watch that all-time great performance in-person.
Jeff from Green Bay, WI
The game I would most like to see live in person that I wasn't at already would be the NFC Championship game at Chicago vs. the Bears. To witness beating them on their home turf for the right to go to the Super Bowl would be awesome! The stakes between these two rivals can't get any bigger than that. I should've been there, but I'll forever cherish the Pack winning that game and giving us those bragging rights.
Dar from Mansfield, TX
In 2011, prior to the NFC Championship, my married friends, Andrew and Tracey, and I bought pricey Super Bowl tickets and they booked airfare to DFW. Our big gamble paid off and we enjoyed an amazing game week. By Sunday, however, money was thin, so my only souvenir buy was a rubber keychain. The Packers won (elation and tears), and that keychain has adorned my work bag ever since. We lost Andy to cancer earlier this year, so as I hold that keychain now, I am grateful for the memories it unlocks.
Gordon from Newport Beach, CA
The game I would most like to have seen in person would be Green Bay beating Washington, 48-47, on Oct. 17, 1983. I never saw Lynn Dickey or Joe Theismann play in-person and this one at Lambeau must have been a whopper under the night lights, because it sure sounded like it on the radio.
Rose from Madison, WI
The NFL season opener against the Saints in 2011, after winning the Super Bowl the previous season. I remember thinking, "We're going to be good this year," then, "I bet Saints fans are thinking they're going to be good, too." Lotta respect for both Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees. Runner-up: the snow globe game against the Panthers a few years ago. Fun to watch!
Andy from Verona, WI
Jan. 11, 1997: Lambeau Field. Carolina Panthers vs. Green Bay Packers for the right to play in Super Bowl XXXI. I would have brought my camera and long-range lens to take pictures of the long list of legendary Packer players and coaches. I would have relished in the sheer joy of celebrating the opportunity to finally return to the Super Bowl with 60,000 fans. I would have stayed in the stadium until security asked me to leave so I could soak in the moment as long as humanly possible.
Dustin from Kansas City, MO
If I could watch any Packers game in-person, I believe I would go back to Dec. 22, 2003. Brett Favre and the Packers taking on the Oakland Raiders on Monday Night Football. This is the magical game the day after Brett's father passed away. I've been to games before where a particular superstar athlete was that dialed in. It is always something special to see. Add to that the weight of what he was playing through, and I think this would've been downright magical to see in-person.
Will from Rochester, MN
Brett Favre's win against Atlanta to get them in the playoffs for the first time in a long time. I hear Max Mcgee's voice saying that. The fact Mike Holmgren told him to not run with the ball due to time constraints. Seeing him take off and dive for the goal line...I can't imagine the eruption! For Aaron Rodgers, it would be the Hail Mary in Detroit. Detroit led for the entire game and still lost...THE ENTIRE GAME...that baffles me.
Kyle from Osceola, WI
There are a handful of games I would love to go back and watch live in-person, but one I would most like to take the old Delorean back and go see would be the Miracle in Motown. I was in a Minnesota bar when it happened and I was the only Cheesehead there, alone in my enthusiasm. I would love to have been in that Ford Field environment instead, seeking out my fellow road-warrior Packer backers for high fives and surrounded by utterly gob smacked Lions fans. I simply can't imagine it.
Sam from Janesville, WI
Week 17, 2013. Rodgers to Randall Cobb on fourth-and-8 to clinch the NFC North. We were watching at a friend's house with another friend (Bears fan) who had recently gotten married to a very nice lady from Australia. This was her first introduction to the rivalry, and she was eating it up. When Cobb dove in to the endzone, I was already on my feet and yelling/cheering as loud as I could. To save their ears, I opened the front door and yelled/cheered some more. Hopefully, I was heard 90 miles down to Chicago.
Blake from Eden Prairie, MN
Packers vs. Bears at a very rare Thanksgiving game at Lambeau 2015. I wish I'd been there just for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Starr, Favre, and Rodgers all together.
Justin from Los Angeles, CA
The game I would most want to see live in person: September 15, 1935, against the Chicago Bears. Don Hutson's first reception in the NFL – an 83-yard touchdown on the first play. I would love to see a football game from that era, and also see a true legend being introduced to the world.
Ben from Guffey, CO
My first thought was that one game that GB absolutely dominated SEA and intercepted Russell Wilson. Instead, I'll say the snowy game against Tennessee a couple years back that we won. AJ Dillon outrushing "The King" and then of course, Davante Adams seemingly unaffected by the snow destroying TEN's secondary.
Bret from Hertel, WI
If I could go back in time to Sept. 24, 1939, to City Stadium to see the Packers vs. the Bears with my grandfather, whom I never met, and father who raised money picking strawberries for a penny a quart to take his dad to see the game. Just seeing the excitement of my dad as a child with his dad seeing Don Hudson, Arnie Herber, Clarke Hinkle, Baby Ray, Smith, Tinsley, Letlow, and who could forget Buckets! The love for this team continues to be passed down.

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