Dominic from Chesapeake, VA
Hey guys - great stories Monday! Somehow, I have missed the questions and the schedule for answers. Any way to get them? Thanks!
Sorry Dom. Here's the schedule for the rest of the week. Have a great (and safe) Fourth of July, everyone.
Wednesday, July 5
5. Which NFL player did you want to see most on the Packers? Did it ever happen?
6. What is the goofiest thing you've done to celebrate a Packers victory?
Thursday, July 6
7. Who is your all-time favorite "niche" Packers player?
8. Has your Packers fandom ever gotten you into hot water? If so, please explain.
Friday, July 7
9. Where is the strangest place you've ever run into a fellow Packers fan?
10. What is your favorite mantra/slogan for an Insider Inbox bumper sticker?
Saturday, July 8
1 (con't). What is the most meaningful/unique piece of Packers memorabilia you own?
11. What are you looking forward to most about the 2023 Packers season?
12. Who is your pick for 2022-23 Inbox MVP? (Balloting is closed)**_
3. Who is the greatest Packers ambassador, alive or departed?_**
Al from Green Bay, WI
Bart Starr by a mile. I had the pleasure of meeting him when he was coaching the Packers. It's not often one's childhood hero lives up to the adoration of his fans. (Yes, I channeled my inner Bart Starr during playground football games.) I have yet to meet anyone that had anything negative to say about him - an amazing human being!
Dean from Leavenworth, IN
Departed, Bart Starr. In the '90s, I was in GB on business and my host took me to dinner and we were seated near Mr. and Mrs. Starr. After they finished, he introduced me to my boyhood idol. Unforgettable. In the living category, "The Rock" Larry McCarren. Although I have never had the pleasure of meeting Larry, it is definitely on my Bucket list. He seems like a guy that I could listen and talk to for hours.
Tom from Vista, CA
I saw and spoke with Bart Starr in Vista about the time, in early '60s, he was at my junior high gym class and threw me a pass, along with any other kid that wanted to participate in the snow. He put down his black Sharpie pen, had a distant look in his eyes and said, "I remember that like it was yesterday." The new shoe box was put under my bed, and later tossed by a cleaner. The signature gone; the man is gone. His kind deeds and actions always remain.
David from Janesville, WI
There are a number of great ambassadors to the Packers both past and present, but if you need to select one and only one, I don't think you can go wrong with Bart Starr. He was not only a great leader and player, but a great man. His kindness and generosity knew no bounds. I had the honor to meet him once when I was in high school (early-90s) visiting Washington D.C. He couldn't have been more gracious to a bunch of star-struck kids from Wisconsin.
Owen from Sanpoint, ID
It has to be Bart Starr, doesn't it? I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but we all know someone who did. In college, my roommate had worked at Rawhide boys ranch. I asked him "What's Bart Starr like?" He told me, "He's the humblest man I've ever met. He's the real deal." Think of the legacy he's left us: The Ice Bowl. The Championships. The night of Favre's retirement. The photo with 4 and 12. The personal attention he gave to fans. What an incredible human. He IS the Packers personified.
Dennis from Boise, ID
Best ambassador: Bart Starr. I had the privilege of meeting the man under very unique and difficult (for him) circumstances. I was at his last game as head coach. Following the game, one of the security guards took my wife and me down to where the players exit and board the team bus. Bart, Jan Stenerud, and Paul Coffman came out together. Despite the last-second loss, Bart took the time to shake my hand, ask my name, and all the rest. Little did I know that he would be fired the next day.
George from Edinburg, VA
Who is the greatest Packers ambassador, alive or departed? Departed, it would be easy to choose Bart Starr or Vince Lombardi, but it has to be Curly Lambeau, right? Whatever his motives or his methods, the Packers don't exist, succeed, or continue through it all without him, period. Alive, Brett Favre restored respectability, but Bob Harlan tops him. Still, the contributions of our unassuming president, Mark Murphy, will only be fully realized in the years to come.
Rod from Eau Claire, WI
Bob Harlan. A few years ago, during all the Favre vs. Rodgers debate, a friend of mine wrote Mr. Harlan a letter expressing his thoughts. Mr. Harlan personally called my friend to thank him for his input. How many executives would do that these days?
Mike from Franksville, WI
The greatest Packers ambassador I've seen, who I feel can never get enough credit, is Bob Harlan: Just a smart, personable, egoless man who always wanted what was best for the franchise. Just look at what he did in 2000 to get the referendum to save Lambeau Field passed. He went all over town talking to people, telling them how important the Packers were for the community, trying to secure votes one by one. He saved the team and, by hiring both Ron Wolf and then Ted Thompson, made it a winner.
Daniel from San Antonio, TX
Jerry Kramer. Jerry has written many books and made a documentary on his time with the Lombardi Packers. He has kept alive my memories of the greatest era in Packers history.
Vince from Green Bay, WI
Tough call between Bart Starr and LeRoy Butler. However, I need to go with Butler as I have at least seen him in-person. Favorite off field memory of him, was at the Fox River Mall, on Christmas Eve in 1995 or 1996. I was in high school and went Christmas shopping for the deals. Anyway, three of the stud defensive players were all shopping together: "The Gravedigger" was walking behind Butler and Santana Dotson. LeRoy had the same genuine smile then as he does now when you see him on TV.
Terry from Elroy, WI
Bart Starr would be an obvious choice, but Leroy Butler and Gilbert Brown would need to be considered because of the impressive amount of time they spend in and around western Wisconsin (and elsewhere?) promoting various charitable causes.
Bart from La Crosse, WI
This is actually a difficult question to answer as there have been so many great Packer ambassadors over the years. Many have probably been equal to, but I can't think of any who have been greater than LeRoy Butler. LeRoy best be looking over his shoulder, though, because I think AJ Dillon may be vying for the crown.
Doug from Neenah, WI
Dave Robinson. While driving from Milwaukee to Green Bay 20-some years ago, I heard Dave do a lengthy radio interview along with Fuzzy Thurston. Of course, he talked about life in Green Bay under Lombardi. Dave's honesty, intelligence, humor, and sincerity were on full display. I could have listened to him talk for hours more. He's a real treasure!
Tom from Charlotte, NC
Greatest Packers ambassador, alive or departed? I have one of each. I took my young kids to see Ray Nitschke during his appearance at a store opening in Charlotte. Although tough as nails on the field, he was such a nice guy off the field. I've met LeRoy Butler a couple times. He is always smiling and loves the Pack! He made such an impression that I traveled to Canton to see his HOF Induction. Congratulations to him on his pending election to the Packers Board of Directors!
Barry from Hoover, AL
Bart AND Cherry Starr. Near the end of Bart's life, I ran into Cherry in a CVS pharmacy near their home in Hoover, AL. I stopped just to say hello, and she mentioned how much Bart loved orange drinks and was there shopping for him. I asked her to give him my best wishes. She had no idea I am a lifelong Packers fan and could have reasonable assumed I was an Alabama fan (although actually, Auburn). However, when I walked away, she called out "Go Packers"!
Dar from Mansfield, TX
While I'd be pleased if every IIer listed Bart Starr as the team's finest-ever ambassador, I'd also like to mention his teammate, Max McGee. If Starr, Jordan, and Kramer were some "good guys" of the Lombardi era, McGee was the fun. As a radio announcer, McGee's country drawl was perfect for small-town Green Bay, and his folksy humor and football anecdotes made the Packers come alive for those of us born later. Would've loved to have picked up his bar tab and heard the stories he couldn't tell on air.
Paul from LaPorte, IN
Without a doubt the greatest ambassador the Packers ever had was Bart Starr. Today? I'm going to have to give some love to Cliff. The man knows everything about our Packers, past and present.
Tom from Harker Height, TX
That's easy…Bart Starr! I'm glad I had the opportunity to live through the Packers' glory years and witness Bart's leadership on and off the field. What a gentleman! Kind, well spoken, humble, consummate teammate, fierce competitor and tough as they come. And he had the greatest teammate in the world, his wife, Cherry. They were philanthropists and always had a kind word for everyone. Seeing him at Brett's number retirement, in the rain, was best!
Jordan from Eau Claire, WI
I think the greatest Packers ambassador alive is the greatest rapper alive, Lil Wayne. It may not be the right answer, but it needs to be said.
4. Have you ever pushed back an event or plans with significant others, family, or friends because of a Packers game? If so, please explain.
Kevin from Grand Rapids, MI
On Saturday, Aug. 5, 1978, my wife and I were married at noon. After the reception, we drove to the Pioneer Inn in Oshkosh to begin our honeymoon. We had planned to go out for a really nice celebration dinner, but I realized the Packers were playing a preseason game and it was on TV. We cancelled the dinner plans and ordered cheeseburgers and fries from room service and watched the game. We plan to celebrate our 45th by driving in from MI for Family Night!
Craig from Laramie, WY
While on a back country archery elk hunt in Montana in 1999, I drove from one high point to another searching for an AM radio signal carrying the Packers game. I found one, listened to the game (a GB victory!) and returned to elk camp for the rest of the hunt. A man's got to have priorities!
Will from Stewartville, MN
The 1997 NFC Championship game against Carolina. I was 7 and it was the joint birthday lunch at a local restaurant for my mom and my grandpa. I ate my kid's hamburger and fries in the waiting area of the place all by myself where they had a 13-inch TV in the corner with the game on. We recorded the game on VHS as well and I probably watched it 300 times over the next five or six years. The Dorsey Levens touchdown catch is the single play I will always remember from my childhood!
Chad from Hortonville, WI
A few winters ago, I was out for a walk in the woods, and noticed a metal survey stake bent over. I was trying to bend it vertical, when it snapped unexpectedly, and split my face open. I packed snow on it, for the mile walk home, When I got home, I thought, "Man, I don't want to miss the game.!" So, I filled a towel with ice, and held it on my face, while I watched the Pack give the Bears a 35-16 beat down. After the game, I drove to the ER with a smile on my face, and got it sewed up.
Al from Rochester, MN
My mother passed away on a Saturday evening in a Wisconsin nursing home. A local funeral director I knew happened to be at the home that evening. I spoke to him and mentioned that we should get together the next day, Sunday, to discuss funeral arrangements. The first thing he said to me was, "What time do the Packers play?" Our meeting the next day was over by kickoff. Mom was a great Packer fan and would have understood perfectly!
Terry from Elroy, WI
In the fall of 1987, I spent a lot of time in Northeastern Wisconsin campaigning for a friend who was a candidate in a special election for a vacant seat in the state assembly. We campaigned from morning to dark each weekend, but we always quit during the Packers' games. One such game was the first time I saw Don Majkowski play for Green Bay, as we watched the game on TV at an establishment in Little Suamico. My friend won the election and eventually became speaker of the assembly.
Ed from Windsor, CO
My only daughter was born Saturday Jan. 25, 1997. I stayed at the hospital for three days except for Sunday when I was given a reprieve to watch Super Bowl XXXI. Monday, we took her home in a GBP outfit.
Celia from Milwaukee, WI
My wife and I were married on Sept. 24, 2017, at the beautiful South Shore Pavilion in Milwaukee. We had to be out of our venue at 6 p.m., so we went to the Blackbird after to continue the fun. We had been following the Packers-Bengals game during the reception, and luckily for us it went into overtime. Needless to say, the wedding celebration was paused until the Pack won the game. We did get lots of free drinks for "winning" the game for us. Go Pack!
Richard from Telford, TN
The Packers beat Colts 13-10 in overtime in a playoff game on Dec. 26, 1965. A small family home wedding was delayed because the minister, groom and I, the best man, were huddled around a TV in the next room watching the game. Don Chandler kicked the game-winning FG. The wedding then started as whispers "the Packers won" floated down from the back of the living room.
Dar from Mansfield, TX
I never used to alter plans because of a Packers game, as long as I could catch most of it live. Then, the game-that-shan't-be-mentioned happened. I had a business trip that day with a departure at halftime. At wheels-up I was giddy to think the Pack would head to the Super Bowl. At arrival, I couldn't believe what an airport bar patron told me had transpired. I've since changed plans several times for big games. And I still refuse to watch video highlights of that second half.
Will from Rochester, MN
My father-in-law owns a ranch in Montana and deer hunting runs through the month of November. I have to plan my hunt before the first of the year. However, when the schedule releases in May, I push my plans around with my father-in-law and my wife if the Packers happen to play a night game in November to ensure viewership in "non-Packer" lands.
Mike from Iowa City, IA
It was November 2010. I was applying to graduate school and was invited for an interview at one of my top schools, the visit would be Super Bowl weekend. As we know, the Packers were barely in the playoff picture. But I said to myself, the Packers might make the playoffs, and if they do, they might make the Super Bowl. So, I scheduled the early flight home (6 a.m.) on Super Bowl Sunday. My wife told me I was nuts for the plan. But it all worked out – I got into grad school, too!
Larry from Carney, MI
Welllll, probably not an entire event except maybe a meal or two. For 25 years, I sold Christmas trees in Kenosha and two of us would drive down from the U.P. to set up the lot in one day and drive back the same day. This one year our truck broke down (alternator) by Ryan Road in Milwaukee, just as the Packers game was starting. I listened to the entire game on side of the road before a taxi brought us a new part. That was a long day; got home very late.
Dave from Germantown, TN
It goes back to my college years. I dropped a class (the Appreciation of Art) because the midterm was going to be on a Tuesday and the Packers were playing the Browns on Monday night and I knew I wouldn't study.
Bill from Dix Hills, NY
I had to move my 3-month-old quadruplets' bassinets into the TV room so I could watch the Super Bowl and take care of them at the same time.
Jeffery from Brooklyn, WI
I was supposed to get married but we waited a day, so I could watch the Packers beat the Bears in 1983. So, Dec. 4 was my wedding day instead.
Dave from Wilder, ID
Back in 1996, my wife took a new job that would have us relocating from Fox Point, WI to Lake Forest, CA. The moving truck was scheduled far in advance to arrive Friday, Sept. 6. It was about a week before the big move when we recalled that we had tickets to the Monday Night Football game against Philly on the ninth. Well...the moving truck was called, and our move was delayed until Wednesday, Sept. 11, after enjoying a magnificent victory on MNF!!! A great precursor to the SB!!
Colleen from Blair, NE
Thanksgiving 2015. No. 4 added to the ring. We were spending Thanksgiving with my extended family, whom we hadn't seen in years. Friday before the game, coworker mentions she'll be at it. I text hubs my jealousy. Few minutes later he texts, "Tickets aren't crazy, let's go!" Scramble to make a plan for our kids and deal with guilt about not seeing grandparents. Ended up dropping kids with them on way to GB, making all happy. We are not spontaneous, and this was for us. It's a core memory for me.
Jean from Longueuil, Quebec, Canada
January 1998 – the whole province was without power caused by ice storm for up to two weeks. We were lucky as we had the same feed than the nearby hospital and they fix that line in priority. My friend's entire family came and stay for a week. Sunday, Jan. 4, GB vs SF. No way I was going to watch that game with the two families together in the living room. I told him that I would watch the game in my bedroom on the second floor. He couldn't believe it. They heard me screaming and yelling all game long. GPG.
Tom from Herndon, VA
We had originally planned to hold my father's memorial service on Jan 14, 1996, until we realized that the Packers were playing Dallas in the NFC Championship that night. He was a diehard Packers fan since the Lombardi era who lived in Eau Claire and we felt that might not honor his wishes, so we pushed the service back to Monday. Attendees filled the church that night with many thanking the family for the change which allowed everyone to watch the game. We all thought Dad was pleased.
Barb from Snellville, GA
Born and raised in GB, it seemed like everyone planned Sundays around the Packers game. In college, when are we leaving to drive back to Madison? "After the game," not a specific time. Going to church? Go to early service because the Pack starts at noon. I've have lived in two other NFL cities and this community's obsession with THE game is unique to Wisconsin. I didn't appreciate it until I left. GPG!

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