Ninth Annual Northeast Wisconsin Safari Club International Banquet and Hunter Expo
Feb. 23-25, 2007
Lambeau Field Atrium
The Northeast Wisconsin Chapter of Safari Club International is hosting its ninth annual banquet and hunter expo at the Lambeau Field Atrium in Green Bay Wis.
Guest speakers this year will include bow hunter and outdoor legend "Tom Miranda" from ESPN, along with respected big game hunter, Gary Herbert, from New Zealand Mountain Hunting, and "Fred Kloos".
Also present will be outfitters, guides, professional hunters, lodge owners, wildlife artist, taxidermist, jewelers and sportsmen's merchandise venders from around the world. The Saturday night banquet dinner will be catered by the award winning Levy Restaurants Sports and Entertainment Group and held in the Legends Club Room.
New format for 2007: There will not be a dinner on Friday night. Exhibits will be open until 10 p.m. and the auctions and raffles will be held between 6 and 10 p.m. There will be a cash bar and food available. Saturday night's auction will follow dinner. Both night activities will feature hunting trips, outdoor adventures, jewelry, wildlife prints and sporting merchandise from around the world. We will have silent auction tables, firearm raffle boards and "blue light specials."
For more information, visit