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Random Questions With Marques Anderson


**For those of you who have ever wanted to peek inside the mind of a Packers player, here's your chance. For those who wish they knew more about a player than his statistics and position on the depth chart, this is for you.

It was with those desires in mind that peppered several Packers players with a series of Random Questions. Here's what happened when we put third-round draft choice Marques Anderson in the hot seat:**

What's your favorite TV Show?

"I don't get to watch a whole lot of TV, but when I do, I watch Fear Factor on NBC. That's a killer show. I hope they make a NFL version of that. They do some really disgusting things on that show. It makes it so it doesn't rely on size, weight, or strength, it's basically mind over matter. They eat some disgusting stuff on there."

What's your favorite type of food, and can you prepare it?

"Good lasagna. I can cook a little, I wouldn't call myself a gourmet chef by any standard, but I can cook some stuff."

What's your favorite movie?

"Gladiator, I really like that a lot. I think Gladiator is the best movie I've seen, essentially because of (Russell) Crowe's mentality through the whole thing. He did a wonderful job, and I don't see anybody else doing a better job."

Do you play videogames?

"I really like Tiger Woods, and that new one that's out on PS2, Medal of Honor 2. I think it's a lot better than the older one."

What's going to be your favorite city to visit this year?

"I'd say San Francisco. When I was at UCLA, we always had Cal and Stanford as a big rivalry, so it'll be kinda like going up north again and playing them, it'll be fun."

Who is your favorite comedian?

"Jamie Foxx, or Martin Lawrence. Foxx's standup is so funny, like when he jokes about Prince and how his outfit connects into his boots -- it's just funny. I think he makes his show and keeps it going. His sarcastic undertone of comedy is real funny. He's a good actor, too."

Growing up what was the worst job you ever had?

"I'd have to say construction. Having to get up early in the morning moving barricades and working so hard. I'd have to say two-a-days aren't nearly as hard as that. I about got fired when I was working construction for sleeping on the job. I hid in a truck and they found me."

Who is the funniest player on the team?

"Mike McKenzie, no I'll take that back, I'd say Ty Williams, he's hilarious. I get along with all the D-backs, but Ty is great."

Who's the first person you call after a game?

"My dad. He gets to come to a lot of my games, like when I was in college he came to all the home games, and he came to Alabama. He's real supportive, he and my mom. They just had their 26th anniversary."

In a movie about your life, who would play you?

"Will Smith. I think he can capture the ferociousness of being a daredevil, while at the same time being a suave, cool, calm, collected fella off the field. But when it's time to get down to business he can have that edge."

What's in your CD player right now?

"I'm really going hard with Scarface, his new one. I like Outkast a lot, too. They're riding hard. Their new one isn't as good as Stankonia, but not much is. That was a classic."

What is your favorite TV commercial?

"One of those Holiday Inn commercials with the lackey and his grandma. You know where he comes down for breakfast and asks for all these continental breakfast things, and the grandma just starts busting up in his face. That's about as good as it gets. I like those Sportscenter ones that they've been replaying. Like the one where they ask, 'how do you keep track of the 25,000 shows?' and they show the mascot in the back and they're just throwing him tapes."

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