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Who's the toughest player T.J. Lang has played against? Read his chat transcript

Packers G T.J. Lang chatted with fans on Thursday from Lambeau Field


Comment From Lee

just want to say to luck to you and the Pack, make some holes for Eddie, and protect Aaron

Thanks Lee.

Comment From Kathy

no questions, just want to say thanks for all the hard work you and the O-Line guys put in. We certainly appreciate it! Go Pack Go

Thanks Kathy I appreciate it!

Comment From Josh S.

What does "T.J." stand for?

Thomas John

Comment From BrettGB

Hi, T.J., how does it feel to win the opener for the 1st time since 2011?

Feels great! Last time we won we went 15-1 so we hope for the same results!

Comment From Closet Pack Fan

What's Aaron Rodgers like in the huddle?

Very calm for the most part.

Comment From Bob

Would you rather have Josh Sitton's hair or David Bakhtiari's?


Comment From Rob

What was the biggest adjustment from college to the pros?

Overall speed of the game... also the size and strength of everyone.

Comment From Austin

What's it like running out of the tunnel at Lambeau on Gameday?

It is probably the biggest rush I have ever felt!

Comment From Greg

No question of luck this year all of you deserve a great season

Thanks Greg

Comment From Patrick

Miller Lite or Bud Light?

Spotted cow.

Comment From Cliffhanger

How's the locker room atmosphere right now??

Energetic.. we realize we have a tough challenge this week but we are all excited for it.

Comment From Dylan

Did you play any other sports in high school besides football? By the way, hoping you kill it against the Seahawks defense on Sunday!

Thanks Dylan.. only other sport i played was baseball.. 1st basemen if you couldnt guess.

Comment From Ryan

Are you the man?


Comment From Craig

T.J. I'm a big fan of yours! I am a Red Wings fan as are you... So I was wondering how did you get your hands on Chicago's tainted Stanley Cup over the summer? Lol

That was 2 summers ago after the kings won.. if it makes you feel any better

Comment From Guest

Who the toughest player you have had to play against?

Either Suh or Justin Smith

Comment From JC

Full House, Step by Step, or Family Matters... Which one is best?

Tough question.. I will go with Full House.

Comment From Bryce N.

Good luck this season and good game last sunday

Thanks Bryce!

Comment From Marlene

T J .. How do you feel when you guys are on the road and you see a bunch of Packer fans?

Truly a great feeling.. gives us some extra energy.

Comment From Brendan

Huge fan TJ, I love how you stick up for your teammates on the field no matter what. Time to knock those Seahawks off, go pack go.

Thanks Brendan!

Comment From Luke Y.

How big of a role did your high school football coach Al Fracassa play in your development as a player and person?

He taught me the important things in life that matter! I love coach.

Comment From Michael

T.J. do you have a favorite game from your career as a Packer?

Probably vs the bears in 2013 last game of the season to get us in the playoffs.. or vs dallas earlier the same year.

Comment From Sanjay

Hey t j good luck this weekend. Question for you. Do you like running screen plays?

I do.. gives the defense something they have to think about.

Comment From Guest

What is your favorite play to run?

Victory kneel to end the game.

Comment From Zach

Im gonna be at Lambeau next Monday, can you get me on the sidelines for the game?


Comment From Josh S.

What's your favorite pre-game meal?

For noon games i would say a eggs and toast.. later game chicken and mashed taters.

Comment From Clay

What's your favorite smell?

Not Josh Sitton.

Comment From Guest

How sore are you the day after a game? How many days does it take to recoup

Pretty beat up.. usually takes until about wednesday to feel fully recovered.

Comment From Guest

Hi T.J. - Greatest memory from EMU?

Win against CMU in 08.

Comment From adam

Hey TJ are you a Milwaukee Brewers fan or Detroit tigers fan???

Both but my loyalty is to the Tigers.

Comment From Parker

T.J how was the offseason

Awesome! Spent a lot of time with family out on the lake.

Comment From Cindy

Looking forward to an awesome season, is the team as excited as I am to have James Jones back?

Very much so. Had a big game for us last week and will play a huge role going forward.

Comment From Raff

TJ, I love how you stand up for your teammates. Who are the guys you pal around with off the field?

Pretty much all of the OL

Comment From Conrad

Is Bakhtiari the strongest Kardashian sister?

Questionable. Chloe looks stronger.

Comment From Zach

Best restaurant in GB?

Rustique Chives Hinterland to name a few.

Comment From Sanjay

Who was your favorite team growing up?

I was a big college football fan and UM was my team.

Comment From Adam

What's the worst smelling thing in your locker?

Probably an old pair of gloves.

Comment From Marlene

Be Honest .. The Packer fans are the best fans ...


Comment From Shawn

Best GB pizza place? Great to see the O line together- have a tremendous yr- we're all behind you!!!

Rustique makes a great pie

Comment From Bob

What do you do during the day if you have a night game? Watching other games, playing some games, resting?

Usually relax and watch a movie or something.. time goes by very slow when you have to wait around all day

Comment From Rob

Was their anything you worked on specifically, this offseason, that you havent in the previous ones?

Tried boxing a little bit to work on my hand quickness.

Comment From Pierre

On a scale from 0-10, how ready are you for the Red Wings' season to start?

Im pumped!

Comment From Joe Hulstedt

My old man just purchased your jersey. Said you have to give the big guys some love... Thanks for making him happy.

Great choice! Much appreciated

Comment From Dylan

T.J, would you ever consider growing out your hair?


Comment From Turner

What's your favorite part about Wisconsin?

The summer.

Comment From Austin

What do you do for fun in Green Bay?


Comment From Zach

You wanna hang out next weekend?

Im busy man sorry

Comment From chuck

How has the offensive line improved from last year?

We have chemistry that we didnt necessarily have for the first few games last year.

Comment From Jack

what do you think about JJ Watt?


Comment From Turner

Traditional or boneless wings?

All of the above

Comment From Aaron

Are you a big Enimnem fan?

I wouldnt say die hard but i like his music.

Comment From Gabriel

Who´s the most difficult Packer D-lineman to go up against in one-on-ones?

Mike Daniels owns that drill

Comment From Luke Y.

All time favorite Red Wing?

Stevie Y or Bob Probert

Comment From Kal from Duluth

Thoughts on entorurage?

Wasnt thrilled with the movie but still love the series.

Comment From Zach

Eastern Michigan 5 vs Ball State. Thoughts?

EMU is looking pretty good this year! Making us alumni proud so far.

Comment From Scott

My son is 15 6'3 280. A starter. (Started 4 games last year on varsity). His written goal is to play in the NFL. What advice would you give to him?

To keep working hard and enjoy High School ball

Comment From Turner

Favorite sandwich?


Comment From Tom

When did you officially make the transition to guard? I remember you stepped in for Chad at tackle I the 2010 NFC Champ

2011 after Colledge left.

Comment From Gabe Stoesz

How does having A-Rod and Lacy make an impact/difference for you blocking?

They make our jobs easier for sure.

Comment From Matt

I met one of your Michigan golf buddies in myrtle beach and he says he whoops you on the links

Everybody does.. not a huge accomplishment

Comment From Guest

As a player in GB, do you notice a difference in opponents during cold weather games compared to a dome or warm weather?

I think it tends to slow everyone down a little bit.

Comment From Balint

Do you think this Get Loud Lambeau campaign is necessary? Was there not enough crowd noise in your opinion?

Anything to get the most out of our fans!

Comment From Rob

Favorite Brand of Bacon?

I mean cmon now.. any brand

Comment From Turner

Do you want to come tailgate with me sometime?

I wish!

Comment From Guest

Is it true that D Bak has the best dance moves on the O-Line?

Highly doubtful

Comment From Luke Y.

Will you miss playing against Suh twice a year?

Absolutely not.

Comment From Turner

How do you feel about the Wisconsin snow?

Being from Detroit im used to it.

Comment From Victoria

What do you enjoy doing with your son

Teaching him all about sports.. he loves them all.

Comment From Rob

Why are you the best singer on the o-line?

Mostly because everyone else is horrible.. not a huge accomplishment.

Comment From Kayla C

Can we go golfing sometime?

You buy the beer.

Comment From Kayla C

Isn't Red the best equipment man??


Comment From Kelsey

Chipotle or Qdoba?


Comment From Turner H.

What movie release are you most looking forward to in the future?

The Martian looks pretty good.

Comment From Tara

Do you guys ever notice the fans signs during a game?

We try to find the funny ones.

Comment From Guest


I dont mind when we play them at home.

Comment From Turner H.

Do you miss Jordy Nelson?

I saw him today.

Comment From Brian

Funniest thing Aaron Rodgers has said in a huddle?

I dont know probably something he yelled at Linsley.

Comment From Kelsey

I have seats in row 2 south end zone for the Chargers game. What are the chances you will do a lambeau leap? 


Comment From Jeff

What's more important for an O lineman technique or brute strength?


Comment From Jeremy

During the season, which other NFL players do you pay attention, if any? And why?

Whoever is on my fantasy team.

Comment From Justin

Can we be best friends?

You will have to get in line.

Comment From Daniel

What is green bay weather like in October

Who knows.

Comment From Aaron Rodgers

Do you like waffles?

Who doesnt like waffles.

Comment From Joe

Is this chat better than fielding questions from the media?

Yes because i get to choose which ones i answer.

Comment From Nick

What is your favorite beer?

The free kind.

Thats all the time I have guys thanks for the fun conversation. Go Pack Go.

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