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Random Questions With Jared Tomich


**For those of you who have ever wanted to peek inside the mind of a Packers player, here's your chance. For those who wish they knew more about a player than his statistics and position on the depth chart, this is for you.

It was with those desires in mind that peppered several Packers players with a series of Random Questions. Here's what happened when we put defensive lineman Jared Tomich in the hot seat:**

What's your favorite movie?

Fight Club. I like the twist in the end, the outrageousness of it, of that actually going on nation wide, it's wild. I'd have to say that in that particular movie, (Brad) Pitt is better than (Ed) Norton, just because he's so nuts."

What's your favorite book?

"Lately all I've been reading is financial books, they aren't all that exciting."

What's your favorite TV show?

"I'd have to say right now Scrubs is great. It's kind of like the Seinfeld of hospitals. It's great to see what happens to all those interns."

What's your favorite midnight snack?

"Ice cream, but it doesn't have to be midnight. It's good at 2 a.m., 4 a.m., pretty much anytime."

What was your favorite toy as a child?

"The Big Wheel, I couldn't go anywhere without it. I used to wear the wheels out of those things."

What's your favorite opposing city to visit?

"Chicago. It's where I grew up, I still have some friends and family there, and it's just a good place to visit. For me it's a little better experience playing there."

Who were your role models growing up?

"For me, football-wise, it was Howie Long. He was my biggest role model because he was so good and worked so hard."

Who is the first person you call after a game?

"My wife. Usually we talk about the game, if she isn't at the game. She always knows everything that happened to me during the game. She's been there for me through college. It's just nice to have her there and listen to what she has to say."

Who's the best-dressed guy on the team?

"You know right away that it's going to be a wide receiver or a DB, but I haven't really had much of an opportunity to see everybody all dolled up so I'll have to get back to you on that one."

Who is the funniest person on the team?

"Right now it'd be Nate Wayne, but we'll see. Training camp is when you find out who's funny and who's not. If you can walk around with a smile on your face cracking jokes after two-a-days, then you must have a good sense of humor."

What's in your CD player right now?

"In my CD player now is the new Korn, Clutch, Fu Manchu, pretty much anything that's not to slow, something that can pick you up."

Who is the toughest player you've had to match-up against?

"Eric Williams when he was with Dallas, back when I was first in the league, he and Willie Roaf. It took me about half a season to get a sack on that guy my rookie year, and I'm not sure I got one ever again."

What's your most embarrassing moment?

"On the field, it was probably my rookie season when I got a concussion and I ended up trying to rush their punt rush. The trainer asked me a bunch of questions. Now I don't remember any of this, but they say they asked me what day of the week it was, I said, 'Saturday.' They asked where I was, I said, 'Nebraska.' They asked the score and I couldn't even find the scoreboard. The next day when I went into the facility everyone was telling me what I did, and I couldn't remember a thing."

What's the last movie you saw and how was it?

"Bourne Identity. It's a great movie. I didn't know if Matt Damon would be able to pull off the whole spy/James Bond-type character. There was a lot of action, but also some good twists. It was a great James Bond-type of farce. They did a good job of putting in perspective what his life was like."

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